Entity Summary

JwC Summaries present all the textual data provided via an import from a JwC Editor.

They can also include graphic data another user shared with you, or you can make your own.

If you are an Editor, you can view Summaries in the Edit Menu or by having a second, non-Editor Sign On.

You may also have your own private Notes.


A Summary can be presented whenever a non-Editor touches a Home Page grid row, outside of any F (Favorite) column.


Assignments,  Directives, Other Phones, Notes, Talks and Territories appear the same regardless of the User Mode.


In Favorites and My Service Group the Details will be those of the Entity Type selected.

There are no special Summaries in these cases.


Example Summary Page Top Buttons and Tabs:

Call is visible if the Home Page had at least one phone number column. See Phones.


Save / Exit and Done should be self-explanatory. Using either returns you to the Home Page.

The General Tab is not editable, so there is nothing there to save.

It contains a simple summary of the text data an Editor shared with you, including details of linked data,

(Example: A Person Summary shows also some details from a linked Household, Doctor, or Hospital.)


Graphics will be present if the Entity can have a Photo or Legal Document (also considered a Photo); Map if it can have a Map.

These you can edit.


Notes are always editable and private.


Save allows saving whatever changes have been made up to then in the Graphics or Notes Tabs; thereafter even if you chose Done those early changes will have been saved.


Regarding Saving:


1.  All changes are saved BOTH to current in-memory use and, at the same time, to the permanent Database.

     Thus, even if the App crashes, you should at most lose just unsaved changes.


2. Displayed Graphics (Photos, Maps, etc.) will "disappear" from view just after any final saving but moments prior to returning to Home Page.


    This is required by the nature of the graphical elements and does NOT result in data loss.