
JwC "Photos" are intended to help quickly identify Persons of interest.

They can also contain photographic equivalents of Legal Documents, such as an AMD or DPA.


By their nature photos take up much space, both in memory and in storage. especially if obtained via an on-device camera or Photo Gallery.


They may contain quite a bit of unnecessary area, wasting space and prolonging display time.


In the following the photo is for example only, and certainly is not a real persons or a document.


Each photo image has a side menu:

Select and Snap are each enabled only if JwC can tell your device has the needed capability.

  If you would be replacing an existing picture you will be asked to confirm that on use.


Select allows you to pick from on-device photographs, using any app your device has for that.


Snap allows you to use an on-device camera (not external). If you have more than one, you'll first be given a choice.


Crop currently uses third party code that should work on all devices.

  A full-screen cropping viewer allows zooming and panning, followed by saving or reversion.

  An alternative exists that might be a little easier, but has undesirable extra features that could be confusing.

  It uses a resizable and movable square to select just the portion to be saved. If you would find that easier, please advise.


Delete, of course, deletes the photo. This only becomes permanent on Saving the page.


Note: On Sending a Photo JwC, if necessary, downsizes the photo to no more than 500 Kilobytes of data.

  For best results cropping should be done prior to Sending.