
Places of worship, Congregations, etc. all have their value, but the truly "desirable things" are individual persons devoted to true worship.


The entire thrust of JwC is to allow you to give all reasonable assistance to each one, as circumstances dictate, especially in times of emergency or disaster.


For this JwC is only one of many potential tools, storing data at its Congregation | Persons Home Page.


As a tool is only as good as the experience and wisdom of its user, please consider becoming familiar with JwC capabilities well before sudden need. It might be time well spent!


There are many queries available in a scrollable list. Here's the top:



Persons can be anyone you regard as in some way associated with the Congregation, including young children and interested persons who attend.

Thus your list could include persons not generally entered into other theocratic-based programs, but should generally include at least all those they do.


The Congregation Persons entries have much more additional data available in Details or Summaries Pages, by far, than any other JwC type. Some become available only as others are supplied. Examples:


1. Servant status is not available unless the Person is Male, Adult, and Baptized (besides perhaps other considerations).


2. Medical Directive (MD) data cannot be entered until Has MD is switched on. See Medical Directives.


The four available images (photo, DPA front and back, Map) are stored separately within JwC and are not included in the default backup described in Sharing Data.


Links are provided to other applicable entries such as Household, Emergency Contacts, Preferred Doctor, and Preferred Hospital.

A Map tab shows the map for the associated Household. Until the Household is assigned it will not be usable.

Any change in the map affects all individuals associated with that Household.


Summaries display these links' data on their General Tab.