
Before installing a JwC update:

To preclude any possibility of data loss, please BACKUP your data!

This means sending yourself or remotely storing at least Primary, My Text, and My Settings data.

Really you should keep doing this fairly often anyway.

Primary and My Text are sendable from throughout JwC's data display areas using the Send button.

If you have additional types (Documents, Images, Territories etc.) you should also back them up, always using the "Signed" option.

It is not necessary to backup Maps as these can always be re-created from values in the Primary or My Text data.

My Settings can be sent from within the Settings dialog.

Unlike the other two backups, My Settings is specific to the originating device and requires you furnish a password on each transmission.

Why backup matters:

Besides the obvious (you do not want to lose data)

1.Should a JwC update fail and you end up removing the app, you will also clear all data.

Exception: JwcUD stores its data in a hidden area outside the main application; uninstalling JwCUD does not remove any data.

2. If the update includes any change, no matter how slight, in the way data is defined the database automatically purges itself.

For that reason, every time you close JwC, an internal set of encrypted backup files are created.

If a database purge occurs on startup, JwC or JwcUD will attempt to reinstall them to the revised data arrangement.

Should that fail, you will need to have importable backups!

The author will test for success before releasing any update likely to lead to database purging, but even the slightest omission will require you have backups available.

Once data has been backed up, JwC updates may be performed in the usual manner for apps from the respective App store.

JwcUD updates simply replace one entire set of app files with another, the data itself is not touched.

So you can just uninstall JwcUD, then install a new version or else allow the new installer to overwrite the old.

In fact, you can have muliple installs of JwcUD on a machine, as long as each is in a different directory and for a different Windows user logon. Neither will be aware of the other.