Secure Online Storage

JwC can send / retrieve data from your personal online secure storage in accord with your setting in Settings | Data.

Organizational instructions provide some guidance on what data should NOT be stored by those means.

Note: Key JWC data can be stored in encrypted form, generally increasing its security and privacy.

However that ability does not constitute a recommendation that any particular data ought or ought not to be stored with these services.

Bear in mind that even "deleted" emails may persist in some cloud storage mechanism for some time; they are in no way more secure than private online storage.


The various available services have a few differences, as discussed below.


However, in all cases, authorizing JwC to use your service occurs through a special web site operated by Cloudrail.

Its sole purpose is to allow you, via a web browser, to login to your service and designate your device's JwC installation access.


JwC also uses Cloudrail's embedded software to thereafter work with your service, but Cloudrail itself is not involved in such transactions after authorization.