Terms of Use
VIDEO DISCUSSION available here.
These are the author's terms of use.
He is not a lawyer; terms are expressed as a legal layman might and should be understood accordingly, applying them within the spirit of what is stated.
If any term violates applicable law, that law prevails
JwContactsUD MUST never be used in any commercial way.
JwContactsUD (JwC) may be solely used by recognized, currently-appointed Elders among Jehovah's Witnesses.
This recognition must exist at an official organization of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Data about a Congregation may only be shared among the elders who currently comprise the Body of Elders in that Congregation.
Personal information about ANY individual must ONLY be stored with their knowledge and consent.
This consent is generally understood to have occurred when that person supplies a recognized Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses with data the person expects to be shared within its Body of Elders.
Use of graphical data, such as a person's picture or of his legal document, requires additional informed consent.
Consent MUST include understanding graphical data might be shared during emergencies with those rendering aid.
Such additional consent should be obtained as these graphical items are created.
Consent may be revoked or amended at any time by any person and such changes MUST be immediately implemented.
All consent is automatically revoked when that person has died or makes it known their association with the Congregation has ended, perhaps by permanently moving elsewhere.
"Associated" below means an individual (or associated legal parent or guardian of an under-age individual) currently associated with the Congregation and who have given the requisite consent.
Personal data may only be shared among members of the same Body of Elders with whose Congregation the person is associated:
1. Non-associated Heads of Household may be listed if an associated member of the household affirms they are aware of such use and are agreeable.
Otherwise Heads of Household MUST be associated with the Congregation and give consent for such use.
2. Members of Disaster Relief Committees, Hospital Liaison Committees, and similar groups among Jehovah's Witnesses.
Nonetheless, such individuals from various Congregations have rights to personal privacy that must be respected.
Any data for members of such groups may ONLY be used for the purposes for which the groups were formed.
Those purposes are in the guidelines furnished by the official Jehovah's Witness organization.
3. Emergencies. During medical and natural emergencies personal data may be shared with required care-givers in accord with the prior consent of the affected individual.
Even in emergencies applicable law may limit to which care-givers, if any, specific information may be shared.
4. Unshared Data solely for your own use. Service Calls and Other Phones make available data similar to that as found in most Contacts apps. Use accordingly.