General Description

See Also:

How Jwc Stores Data

Data Distribution



Instructional Videos

Modes and Data Reliability

Supported Devices

JwContactsUD (JwC) is a free password-protected unofficial application designed to aid men who are appointed Elders within a recognized Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.


You should not use JwC if you are not presently in that position or if an official organization of Jehovah's Witnesses directs such applications as JwC not be used.




Usage of JwC's optional data encryption feature is fully restricted to within the borders of those countries for which the United States of America allows use of exported encryption technology.

See Encryption for further discussion.


JwC is in no way furnished, supported, or recognized by any official organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in any land.

It is entirely a volunteer effort by a Witness and should be used only as your conscience and official guidelines permit.


All rights to the code are retained by its author, who makes no guarantees of suitability for any purpose.

(Some code and visual elements are based on the work of others, who have kindly made it available as open source or free for non-commercial use.)


Your use of JwC frees its author from all responsibility and liabilities for any consequences of use.

To repeat: The author disclaims ALL responsibility for use of JwC and you should carefully determine how best to use it, if at all.


Much of JwC data is confidential information that may be shared only in harmony with governing law and as your Body of Elders directs.


Some laws may require you keep certain information STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and may even penalize you should you fail to do so!


Therefore please BE SURE of the wisdom of storing any specific data before doing so.

Please do not share your password with anyone else nor allow anyone not an Elder in your Congregation to use your installation.




You may use JwC to record how to reach publishers, their contacts, HLC members, and medical personnel during emergencies.


Aside from names and telephone numbers, virtually all other JwC information is optional.


In its mobile versions, calls can be initiated directly by tapping a JwC phone number, provided the device and its external services are capable of making calls.


Therefore, as a minimum, JwC can simply be used as a telephone book.


JwContacts optionally also stores information to aid in assuring publishers are ready for emergencies and in tracking shepherding efforts.


Data will be found in four related groups: Congregation Organization, Medical Resources, Information, and Miscellaneous.


After selecting a group, choose the exact item to be viewed, such as a list of Service Groups within Congregation Organization.


Some data can be edited only by a user who is not sharing data with others or by a designated Elder (such as the Congregation Secretary), expected to maintain a master database in behalf of the Body, if the Body so agrees.


If you make changes in your copy of such master data, please inform the designated Elder so he can update the master data.


Optional features include (note privacy discussed in Cautions above):

1. Mapping of household, contact, hospital, and doctor office locations.

2. Photos of those associated with the Congregation.

3. Photos of their Medical documents and / or Medical Document PDFs.

4. Rentention of any pertinent documents not provided via

5. A notes section exists for each entity (person, household, doctor, etc.), are private to the current user, and are not replaced even if other data is imported.

6. Textual data can also be emailed unencrypted as Excel Spreadsheets and/or PDF documents.

7. Images connected to a specific entity can be emailed.

8. Additional phone numbers that do not fall into any specific category. Example: A business contact whose product or service may be useful in a theocratic activity.

9. Your Return Visits (Service Calls).

10. Your Public Talks.

11. Your Theocratic Assignments.

12. Your assigned Territories.

13. Your Service Group's current Field Service Reports.

14. Shepherding you have been doing among your current Service Group.

15. Addutional private notes unrelated to any of above.

16. Ad hoc or long-term special Project Groups.


Sign-in User Names can be anything you like; you may have more than one.


Data can be imported by type from the chosen editor within the congregation, replacing your previous entries.

You can also Reset most data by choosing "Reset Data" on the opening screen.


JwC stores data only on a given device and does not share any data on the Internet other than by intentional email export of the selected editor.


Exception: In creating a map via the Internet you can use your current location as the requested map center, or you can use a actual street name or known geographic location.