Emergency Contacts

VIDEO DISCUSSION (Mobile Version) available here.

Each one associated with your Congregation should have chosen one or more Emergency Contacts.

Doubtless you will want to check, from time to time, with all in your Service Group that you have the most up-to-date information.


For simplicity, JwC stores up to three for any one Household; these apply to everyone in the Household.

Additionally three more may be specified for any single Congregation Member.


Besides Phone Numbers, Congregation | Emergency Contact Details or Summaries provide a bit more information that may aid in deciding under what circumstances, if any, a Contact should be reached by you, and by what method.


Consider using the Notes Tab therein to furnish yourself guidelines beforehand how best to make use of each one.


Remember, some Contacts may not respect all the decisions the distressed individual would actually make were he able.


That is why it is preferred Health Care Agents be listed early in any Emergency Contact List, either for a Household or, perhaps more appropriately, for the individual.


Incomplete phone and address information is of little value in an emergency and may actually result in wasting valuable time.


Strive to maintain as complete data as possible and help each Congregation member appreciate his responsibility to fully assist in this way.


An Emergency Contact may be anyone the Household or Member suggests, but should be limited to those alone.


Emergency Contacts may be, and frequently are, shared by different Households and Members.

They may be members of your Congregation or some other.