

Publisher Contacts and More for Jehovah's Witness Elders.

Always at Your Fingertips: 17+ Vital Information Groups.


JwContacts is a free Smart Device / Personal Computer application for Jehovah's Witness Elders, particularly during emergencies and disasters.


At those times helping your "sheep" may require quick action, without reliance on failed services, such as Electricity, Internet, or Phone.


You may be required to act rapidly, knowledgeably, in harmony with organization instructions, and be able to reach publishers, medical or emergency services, etc.


JwContacts is intended to be a largely self-contained repository of such vital information, along with some data that could be helpful in normal times.


OF COURSE, if there are other preferred means of help, especially any provided by or through the Organization, use them FIRST!


JwContacts provides many data items that COULD be implemented; but generally the only required are simply names.


You or your Body of Elders may decide some items ought not to be stored; that is fine! Use only what you are comfortable with.


JwContacts provides quick access means for::

  • 1. Congregation Publishers (with links to their Households, Emergency Contacts, Physicians, Preferred Hospials, and Medical Directives).
  • 2. Hospital Liaison Committees and Patient Visitation Contacts
  • 3. Disaster Recovery Committees.
  • 4. Emergency Contacts.
  • 5. Emergency Services.
  • 6. Doctors and their Offices.
  • 7. Hospitals, Nursing Homes, etc.
  • 8. Documents (Congregation Assignments, Letters not yet included in Shepherding or its Addenda, etc..).
  • 9. Service Groups, including a special page for the elder's own Service Group.
  • 10. Any other phone numbers you want to have available.
  • 11. Any group of designated favorite phones from all of above.
  • 12. Territories.
  • 13. Service Calls.
  • 14. Maps (from a link in above).
  • 15. Photos (from a link in above).
  • 16. Talks.
  • 17. Government Agencies.
  • 18. Approaching Theocratic Assignments.
  • 19. Recording current Field Service Reports of your Service Group, with ability to search the accumulating history.
  • 29. Recording your Shepherding within your Service Group
  • 20. Reports of many of the above.
  • 21. Review all notes part of above plus add notes for any other purpose.


Most of these are searchable by any group of letters within a Name.

Some, such as publishers, have pre-defined queries to display just those who are alike in some way.


Starting now with Android, Apple iOS, and Windows Universal (i.e, Windows 10 and later) devices and some versions of the English, French, and Spanish languages, intentions are to in time release also for Apple Mac and with other languages.


Screens have been sized for devices down to 4.5" in screen height.

Buttons are large and easily touched.


Congregation data all elders should have might be maintained by one Elder, then shared with the rest in that Congregation.


Initial entry can be aided by filling in a provided Excel workbook template, emailed from the app.

In JwContacts the maintainer has a full complement of Editing Pages; other users see simplified Summary Pages.


Nearly every item can, however, have a personal note attached by the user.


Key data can be reached immediately after sign-in, or else chosen later from a slide-in menu.


If the Android or Apple device has phone capabilities and a network is reachable, any listed number can be called from JwContacts.

If the Android or Apple device has a default texting app (SMS), a short text can be sent to individuals or (for your Service Group) to as many of the Group as you want.


If the device has GPS capabilities and a network is reachable, a map can be saved for any address, ready for later use.


If the device has Camera capabilities, any user can create photos of publishers and their Advanced

Medical Directive (AMD)  / Health-Care Durable Power of Attorney (DPA), or pick from those already on the device.


Photos can be cropped from within JwContacts.

Apple, Windows 10, and newer Android devices can use JwContacts own PDF viewer; older Android will need to have a separate app installed.


Questions? See the FAQ section.