
To start, JwC is usable by both Smart Mobile and Fixed Devices with any one of these 3 Operating Systems and at least a 4.7" display in larger dimension:


  • Android
  • IoS (Apple iPad, iPhone, etc.)
  • Universal Windows Platform (UWP: All devices with Windows 10 Fall 2017 or later operating systems.)


(Maps do not yet save in Windows 10.)


All have a common code base, so adaptation is primarily in providing proper visualization.

(Due to licensing restrictions, mapping in UWP uses Microsoft's Bing service rather than Google Maps.)


A JwContactsLite version may someday be made available for all publishers.

It would be much like JwC, but without those features provided with elders in mind and no sharing of personal data would be provided.



It is expected Mac and Linux can also be supported in time.

Note: Reportedly MAC computers MAY soon be able to run iOS applications

If indeed this eventually is implemented your MAC may be able to run the JwC iOS edition.


The Xamarin programming framework in which JwContacts is written now supports Mac and soon may support Linux and possibly others as well.

JwC Mac edition has begun development but awaits further Mac upgrading of much of the utilized open-source Xamarin features code maintained by others



JwC runs in the language of its host device, if possible. (Ability of the user to switch MAY be in next release.)


Currently supported are:

American English (the default)

American Spanish

British English

Canadian French

French as spoken in France

Mexican Spanish

Puerto Rican Spanish

Spanish as spoken in Spain


Translations from American English were done automatically by Microsoft's Azure Translation engine.

Therefore translations WILL differ in quality and accuracy. Please report any questionable so they can be adjusted. Thank you!

Anyone well familiar with any of the variants shown above can offer their assistance in proof-reading its renderings.